Advanced Call Center

Properties : Caller ID

In this Properties folder you can choose options relevant to Caller ID detection and formatting. You can click here to skip to embedded (advanced) options (Russian ANI, Ringback Signal, and Internet Call Detect).

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Caller ID Type

Type Description
Caller ID Calling Number Delivery. Caller ID is used in the USA, Canada, Australia, China and others. Complies with Bellcore standard. Caller ID signal is sent after first ring.
Brithsh Telecom Support for BT CLIP type.
ETSI European Caller ID standard. In some cases (e.g. modem incompatibility) should also be selected in Canada.
ANI Software implementation of the Caller ID scheme used in Russia (Automatic Number Identification). In Type II, the Caller ID signal is sent after going off-hook. The program then emulates 'ring back' signals to the line.

Caller ID Options

Option Description
Advanced formatting Used when no fixed number length and/or format is used in your country. If you check this option and allow the "Show state from which a long distance call is originated" option, and if an appropriate area code database is available (see areacode folder), the number will be formatted according to the format specified (Options -> Phone Number Format) and the area code itself. Example: in Australia all numbers beginning with 04 are mobile calls and should be formatted as 0434 567 890, while regular numbers of the same length will be displayed as 12 3456 7890.
Number only Caller ID service Avoid delays if your Caller ID service does not transmit caller's name.
Wait for Caller ID before sound alert When cleared, the standard Ring sound is played immediately on an incoming ring. When checked, the Ring sound plays back only when Caller ID is detected, which allows assigning separate Ring sounds to every caller. Note: you can add several SPECIFIC contacts to your contact book. Click 'Contacts' -> 'New', type any name you wish. In the 'Phone number' field type 'N/A' (without quotes) for not detected/unavailable numbers, 'O' for out-of-area calls and 'P' for private calls. After assigning specific greetings and incoming ring sounds to each, you will be able to audibly recognize non-local calls as they arrive.
Area Codes Controls whether the state (province) from area code is announced or not, and assigns an area codes database.
Announce state from which a long distance call originates Announce state or province. For example, in the U.S. this will display 'Toll-Free' Incoming WATS Service Access Code for all 800 calls, Alabama, Decatur, Gadsden, Huntsville for calls originated from the area 256. There are several databases included: Australia, Canada, Israel, Sweden, United Kingdom, U.S., several Russian regions. 
Country Area codes database. Select an existing DB or create your own (for example, you may mark all numbers beginning with 123 as Local ATE calls). Please see areacode folder for area codes DB format.


Provides options for software Caller ID detector. There are three main sections: Request parameters, Real time detection parameters and Advanced.

If there are fewer than 7 digits in your telephone number, adjust the Digits in phone number parameter.


There are two choices: use hardware or software tone for request.

Hardware tone is generated by the modem hardware. While generally not precise enough in frequency and length, it is, however, the most compatible option.

Software tone generator uses an internal sinusoidal signal generator, allowing full control over the generated signal volume, frequency (Signals Tab) and timing.

Request length is highly dependent on ATE (Telephone Exchange). I recommend using the more precise software tone generator along with Request length of 160 ms. 130 ms request can be used with the exception of modems with GSM voice compression (U.S.Robotics and Texas Instruments modems). The latter must use a 160 ms request.

Some telephone exchanges prematurely send Caller ID packets. For these ATEs, use the Pre-detect ANI before request option along with Pre-detect time around 300 ms. If Pre-detect ANI before request is NOT used, Pause before request should be set to 50 to 250 ms (100 ms is usually good).
Real time operation

One adjustable parameter: Time to wait ANI. The value is time (in milliseconds) the program waits for a Caller ID packet to appear. If Caller ID is not received during this period, another request is sent. If Caller ID presence is confirmed, Time to wait for CND, ms time is added to this value.


Advanced options:

Caller ID -> ANI

ANI options

Option Description
Maximum number of requests

Maximum number of attempts to retrieve Caller ID information.


Telephone exchanges in Russia do not allow more than 3 attempts.
Request length Short is a 100 ms request length for Russian ANI; Long is a 200 ms one.
Use software tone generator Use software or hardware to generate tones. If you check this check box, the program will synthesize tones, which may provide clearer sound, depending on the modem. If you clear this check box, a built-in modem tone generator will be used, which may provide a better performance but sometimes a lower quality.
Exact request time, ms

Exact length of an ANI request, in milliseconds.


On U.S.Robotics modems with selected GSM compression this value must be aligned to 20 ms (while 40 ms alignment is preferred and recommended if only possible).

The default and recommended value is 160 ms.
Detect ANI before request An option to verify an ANI signal presence before requesting it. Select this check box if your telephone station sends an ANI without a request (that is, you can hear an ANI signal when you answer a call). Clear this check box if your telephone station does not provide an ANI without a request.
Time before request Length of time before sending an ANI request. Some older telephone stations start sending Caller ID information before they are requested to. An exact value depends on your telephone exchange.
Detect number in real-time Detect ANI in real-time (synchronous) mode. Recommended for Russian ANI.
Wait for ANI packet for [number] of ms Period to wait for Russian ANI packet if the signal is not present. If no ANI signal detected during this period, the program assumes no ANI information available. If an ANI signal presence is detected, the program will increase the period by the value of the Time to wait for CND setting.
Use threshold filtering, % Option for a threshold filter to detect pauses between digits in the Fourier transforms. Usually should be enabled.
Filter extra digits The minimum number of ANI packet digits that will pass through the filter. A junk digits sequence shorter than this value will be filtered out from the ANI packet.
Fourier window shift An option to use Fourier window step procedure.


To learn more about ANI, please read Caller ID F.A.Q. #2.

Caller ID -> Ringback Signal

Ringback Signals

Option Description
Synthetic ring length, ms The length of ring-back signals in 1/1000th of a second.
Pause between rings, ms The pause between ring-back signals in 1/1000th of a second.

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